Jesus was called a Nazarene because He grew up in the town of Nazareth. The followers of Jesus were also called the Nazarenes. Incidentally, the great Apostle Paul, while on trial for his life, was accused of being the ringleader of the sect of the Nazarene. Of course, Jesus did not uphold any denomination, but because of the fact that we bear His name, it is held in honour all constituent members of the Church of the Nazarene. The supreme passion of all Christians is to be like Jesus and follow His teachings which form the basis of our doctrine, and His life, our salient example. The Church of the Nazarene is composed of those persons who have voluntarily associated themselves together according to the doctrines and polity of said church and who seek holy Christian fellowship, the conversion of sinners, the entire sanctification of believers, their up building in holiness, and the simplicity and spiritual power manifest in the primitive New Testament Church, together with the preaching of the gospel to every creature.

The Church of the Nazarene has spread the good news about Jesus for over a century, and we are known for seeking social justice for those in need, being a centre of spiritual growth and transformation for countless communities, and being a place where those called to ministry can find training and support. Calvary Church is one among such congregations and we invite you to learn more about what makes the Church of the Nazarene salient and unique.